Scientific Expertise. Comprehensive Capabilities. Regulatory Insights.

Chemical Product Testing

Contact Us

Understanding the ever-changing testing and regulatory requirements for your chemical can be complex. With us, you can take your product from testing to market quicker with less stress. With over 80 years of experience in biofuels, fatty acids, enzymes, cosmetics and tar acids, we can help support the development and testing of safe and effective chemicals with our technical expertise, comprehensive safety testing suite and market-leading regulatory consultancy. 

Apply our deep science and insights to build your chemical innovation pipeline or manage existing compounds, and rely on us to interpret complex local regulations through to a complete dossier submission. We partner with you to ensure your chemical reaches the people and environment it’s been designed to enhance.

SparC of Innovation

Advancing inhalation toxicology testing with powerful innovation

Breathe easy. With our expanded state-of-the-art facility, dedicated inhalation testing rooms and team of 40 experienced specialists, we are fully equipped to handle all your inhalation toxicology study needs, from standard regulation compliance to complex substance aerosolization.

Expanded Commitment to a Sustainable Future

U.S. testing and regulatory solutions now in Greenfield, IN

Access U.S.-based high quality chemical toxicology study execution, supported by in-state regulatory experts, to increase scheduling options and ensure successful EPA data submissions. 


Covance is now Labcorp

We are one global company innovating for millions. Covance is now Labcorp for chemical product development. We remain committed to harnessing science for a safer more sustainable future for all people and our planet.


We can help deliver regulatory success

We offer a global full-service range of safety testing and regulatory consultancy capabilities to support the human and environmental risk assessments for both chemical testing and crop protection products. 

By the Numbers

80+ Yrs Chemical Experience
680 EU REACH Registrants
>1,500 Toxicology Studies Completed Annually
>300 Ecotoxicology Studies Completed Annually

Educational Insights

How to Run Successful eFate Studies for Industrial Chemicals

How to Run Successful eFate Studies for Industrial Chemicals

Blog Posts
Environmental fate (eFate) studies are well established for crop protection chemicals and pharmaceuticals and are becoming commonplace for industrial chemicals, but what are the key considerations for setting up and running them? Find out here.
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Overcoming challenges in the processes of characterization, assessment, and registration of your UVCB in Europe 

Overcoming challenges in the processes of characterization, assessment, and registration of your UVCB in Europe 

Blog Posts
The demand under European regulations for detailed environmental risk assessment of UCVBs is challenging both the industry and regulators alike. Read on to explore the challenges and possible ways of overcoming them.
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Nanomaterials: How to Overcome REACH Regulatory Challenges

Nanomaterials: How to Overcome REACH Regulatory Challenges

Nanomaterials are chemical substances that have a particle size between 1 and 100 nanometres (nm) in at least one dimension. What is special about nanomaterials is that the properties of a substance change when it is scaled down to nanosize - such changes can include improvements in optical, electrical and magnetic properties.
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What is an Inhalation Reprotoxicology Study - Insights, Advice, and Secrets

What is an Inhalation Reprotoxicology Study - Insights, Advice, and Secrets

Blog Posts
What is Inhalation Reprotoxicology and When is it Relevant? Inhalation reprotoxicology studies are required when a chemical substance or plant protection product (PPP) is suspected of having the potential to cause reproductive or developmental toxicity and there is the possibility that human exposure can occur via the respiratory system.
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